Cardiff - Wales Hundreds of people doing a peaceful demonstration in the coastal city of Swansea with a standing side by side with neighbors and friends as an effort of their Muslim opposition to campaign-right group who think of Muslims as the enemy from within.
"We are happy to live together with the Muslim community," said Leanne Woods, a member of the National Assembly for Plaid Cymru (Party of Wales Poitik), told Wales Online on Sunday (18/10) yesterday, as quoted Islamonline.
"We can not accept any form of division and hatred in the name of politics, it's not our way," added Woods.
Hundreds of Swansea residents gathered around the square Palace on Saturday (17/10), to reject the anti-Muslim movement initiated by Welch Defense League (WDL). "This is the first time they come to Wales, they came from various organizations to express their assertiveness reject extremism of the right," said Woods.
WDL Movement has initiated a protest against what they call the influence of "extreme Islam" in Wales. WDL advocates chanted slogans of anti-Islamic. One of them eventually arrested for reasons of race and public order violations.
"My first reaction to the WDL is, so who are they to fight on our behalf?" said Keith Ross, a peace rally organizers. "I do not need to be defended."
Wales is a state of the United Kingdom with a population estimated at three million. Islam is the largest religion after Christianity in Wales, with a population of more than 30,000, as reported to the 2001 census.
Many people consider WDL Swansea has sparked resentment and intolerance in their communities. "This is worrying, a form of intolerance," says Darren Cadwallader, a citizen Swansea.
"One of the things I love about St. area. Helen is diversity. I'm sad, WDL has incited the public with a campaign against Islam and the mosque. It is a violation of human rights," said Ross. "But they have been given the right to free speech."
Meanwhile, Dr Mohammed Rahman, a Muslim Swansea, said he and other Muslims are part of the Swansea community. "In every society in the world there will always be elements who oppose Islam or Christianity or other religions, so this is a normal thing to happen," he explained. "But it's very, very small percentage. I feel very safe in this community, because most of our support," he added. taq / IOL

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