What happens if a person sleepy? Most likely, he wanted to yawn as a sign of a break. However, did you ever find out why?
Previously we may never know there is a theory which states that angop caused depletion of oxygen levels in the body. But, yawning was still happening despite breathing 100% with oxygen. So, what exactly is causing this go on?
It turned out that even scientists do not yet know for sure what exactly triggered the angop behavior. Although long studied, the experts who live in the age of supercomputers and spacecraft technology proved so far only limited to just guess what the function of yawning.
This is a proof that human knowledge is not how much when compared with the Creator, Allah SWT. It was he who taught the science of man that which he does not know when people were researching all His creation, including angop. This was as the word of God in the Qur'an: "He taught man that which he does not know". (Surat al-Alaq, 96:5)
God is Aware, educate people with little knowledge of the curtain opened his possessed inherent in each of His creation. Therefore, humans gradually able to uncover signs of the Creator Lord of the universe, not least to know the secret behind evaporated.
Greatest cooling
Indeed, yawning is not a common occurrence. Instead, he is working the way that God created as a form of affection to His creatures. Simply put, what is often considered a marker of this sleep to function like the cooling fan on the computer processor so that it works remains vibrant.
As known, a computer will work well in cold temperatures. After a long work, the temperature will increase the computer processor. If the computer temperature is not lowered by the cooling fan, then this will reduce performance, even potentially lethal or damaging the computer.
Similarly, the human brain. It takes a special device to keep the brain temperature to avoid overheating, so as to keep functioning properly.
God who created man, of course, know best for what he created. According to Andrew Gallup, a scientist from Binghamton University, the exit temperature rising problems in the brain due to continue working can be overcome by intelligent cooling device named 'angop'.
The same way of working may also explain why people often evaporate when just waking up or fatigue. Yawn activity of the brain will make it easier to deal with transitional situations, such as from sleep to waking state (waking up).
Previously we may never know there is a theory which states that angop caused depletion of oxygen levels in the body. But, yawning was still happening despite breathing 100% with oxygen. So, what exactly is causing this go on?
It turned out that even scientists do not yet know for sure what exactly triggered the angop behavior. Although long studied, the experts who live in the age of supercomputers and spacecraft technology proved so far only limited to just guess what the function of yawning.
This is a proof that human knowledge is not how much when compared with the Creator, Allah SWT. It was he who taught the science of man that which he does not know when people were researching all His creation, including angop. This was as the word of God in the Qur'an: "He taught man that which he does not know". (Surat al-Alaq, 96:5)
God is Aware, educate people with little knowledge of the curtain opened his possessed inherent in each of His creation. Therefore, humans gradually able to uncover signs of the Creator Lord of the universe, not least to know the secret behind evaporated.
Greatest cooling
Indeed, yawning is not a common occurrence. Instead, he is working the way that God created as a form of affection to His creatures. Simply put, what is often considered a marker of this sleep to function like the cooling fan on the computer processor so that it works remains vibrant.
As known, a computer will work well in cold temperatures. After a long work, the temperature will increase the computer processor. If the computer temperature is not lowered by the cooling fan, then this will reduce performance, even potentially lethal or damaging the computer.
Similarly, the human brain. It takes a special device to keep the brain temperature to avoid overheating, so as to keep functioning properly.
God who created man, of course, know best for what he created. According to Andrew Gallup, a scientist from Binghamton University, the exit temperature rising problems in the brain due to continue working can be overcome by intelligent cooling device named 'angop'.
The same way of working may also explain why people often evaporate when just waking up or fatigue. Yawn activity of the brain will make it easier to deal with transitional situations, such as from sleep to waking state (waking up).
Angop birds examined

The scientists tested the notion that angop brain by lowering the temperature on some parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus). Allegations continued that if the room temperature increases and approaches (but not exceeding) the temperature of the body, then this will encourage increased activity evaporated.
As many as twenty birds are placed in room temperature can be regulated. Room temperature arranged in such a way that shows the three different temperature conditions, ie low temperature or the control (22 ° C), the temperature increases (22-34 ° C), and high temperature (34-38 ° C).
With long each state temperature for 21 minutes, the results justify the suspicion that the scientists examined. Based on observation, on the condition of temperature increases, the average per bird evaporated 4.20 times as much. While at high temperature and low temperature (control), respectively 2.05 and 1.25 occur angopan each tail. Number of angop in different circumstances is significantly different.
In conclusion, this study scientifically prove allegations that yawning is a way to regulate the temperature inside the brain.
Goodness of God
That's a quick picture of the function of yawning. Thus, opening the mouth which by some well regarded as a sign of boredom is not just a draw oxygen from the atmosphere. More than that, he was the secret of the Creator to prevent the failure of the human brain from functioning properly.
Allah, the Most Understanding the needs of the organs of his body servant, a clever creating a process that every organ telling the prime function. It was he who had made evaporated as the brain's thermostat to always work perfectly.
This scientific information is also reversed the previous assumption, namely that believe that yawning is a sign of drowsiness. Conversely, a cooling process angop brain to stay awake. With it, human beings can stay focused, including when reading this article.
It's fitting that a weak human being grateful for all the favors of Allah. Indeed, He is a constant human care, including the affairs of this angop, so that his brain still work as possible. This is because God never fails, let alone sleep, in the care of creatures created by Him. In the noble Qur'an, Allah says:
"God, there is no God (that exists) but Him, the Eternal life more continuous care (His creatures); not sleepy and did not sleep. Him belongs what is in the heavens and the earth. Nothing that can intercede with Allah without His permission. God knows what is before them and behind them, and they do not know nothing of science except what Allah wills. Chairs of God covers the heavens and the earth. And God does not feel heavy to maintain them, and Allah is High, the Great ". (Surat al-Baqara, 2:255)

As many as twenty birds are placed in room temperature can be regulated. Room temperature arranged in such a way that shows the three different temperature conditions, ie low temperature or the control (22 ° C), the temperature increases (22-34 ° C), and high temperature (34-38 ° C).
With long each state temperature for 21 minutes, the results justify the suspicion that the scientists examined. Based on observation, on the condition of temperature increases, the average per bird evaporated 4.20 times as much. While at high temperature and low temperature (control), respectively 2.05 and 1.25 occur angopan each tail. Number of angop in different circumstances is significantly different.
In conclusion, this study scientifically prove allegations that yawning is a way to regulate the temperature inside the brain.
Goodness of God
That's a quick picture of the function of yawning. Thus, opening the mouth which by some well regarded as a sign of boredom is not just a draw oxygen from the atmosphere. More than that, he was the secret of the Creator to prevent the failure of the human brain from functioning properly.
Allah, the Most Understanding the needs of the organs of his body servant, a clever creating a process that every organ telling the prime function. It was he who had made evaporated as the brain's thermostat to always work perfectly.
This scientific information is also reversed the previous assumption, namely that believe that yawning is a sign of drowsiness. Conversely, a cooling process angop brain to stay awake. With it, human beings can stay focused, including when reading this article.
It's fitting that a weak human being grateful for all the favors of Allah. Indeed, He is a constant human care, including the affairs of this angop, so that his brain still work as possible. This is because God never fails, let alone sleep, in the care of creatures created by Him. In the noble Qur'an, Allah says:
"God, there is no God (that exists) but Him, the Eternal life more continuous care (His creatures); not sleepy and did not sleep. Him belongs what is in the heavens and the earth. Nothing that can intercede with Allah without His permission. God knows what is before them and behind them, and they do not know nothing of science except what Allah wills. Chairs of God covers the heavens and the earth. And God does not feel heavy to maintain them, and Allah is High, the Great ". (Surat al-Baqara, 2:255)

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