Currently, no less facilitation provided by various parties to support the strengthening of SMEs. In the form of training facilities, strengthening management, production equipment, to marketing. The government, through various departments and related agencies have been providing huge amounts of money to support the strengthening of SMEs. In various technical departments also have available technical implementation unit (UPT), the Vocational Training Center (BLK), as well as other technical training unit.
BLK's in the Department of Labor or PendidikanLuar Sekoilah (PLS) Ministry of National Education, for example, not only provided for the unemployed or the middle school graduates looking for work, but the perpetrators of SMEs inin improve the technical skills can also take advantage of this facility.
So also in the state, not only available funds for venture capital with a mild interest, but there are also many support training and technical facilities provided to SMEs free of charge. Facilities for SMEs from this state are summarized in the program called the Partnership Program and Community Development (PKBL). This program is part of corporate social responsibility in its concern for the people who called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Through PKBL and CSR programs, the state has a unit or section that specifically serve and handle the social aspects, including SMEs. In part beguile SMEs, SOEs and large companies private groups have also allocate part of its budget for community development (community development) and in supporting the empowerment of SMEs. The shape also varied, from training, marketing facilities, or assistance.
The college later also showed its concern in improving the quality of SMEs. These academics are helping to strengthen SMEs in the form of consultancy and training. While types of assistance include aspects of business management, financial accounting, as well as appropriate technology. Generally, college principals to provide support to SMEs through the Center for Community Services (LPM). Mekipun so, each faculty is not closed to the possibility of working with SMEs.
GMU, for example, in addition to the LPM, also formed SMEDC (Smal Medium Entreprise Development Center) or SME development center. This unit is often associated with SMEs in Yogyakarta, both in the form of mentoring, consulting, or other technical training. In addition, there are faculty who are open to SMEs who intend to use it. As the Faculty of Agricultural Technology is equipped to test the quality of food products.
Other facilities are also provided and selenggerakan nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) concerned with SMEs. In addition to providing training, facilitating NGO also conducts advocacy in improving the bargaining position (bargaining position of) SMEs. In addition, NGOs often also open ourselves to SMEs who want to consult about the constraints experienced in the business.
Likewise with the container business organization or association that is also providing various facilities in accordance with the needs of small and medium businesses. Facilitation provided by these business associations tend to be advocates for strengthening the bargaining position (bargaining position) of its members. Business associations are also frequently serves as a mouthpiece to voice the aspirations and interests of its members, namely the business community. In addition, the association is also a mediator for government agencies and other institutions who intend to work together or provide facilities for the business.
Associations or business organizations including the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kadin), Indonesian Furniture Association (Asmindo), Young Entrepreneurs Himpinan (HIMPI), the National Crafts Council (Dekranas), Association of Exporters and Producers of Indonesian Handicraft (ASEPHI), Forum Regional Small and Medium Enterprises (Forda SMEs). If you intend to join one of these associations, you can reach in the region or city you are because of various business associations have representatives or branches in various regions in Indonesia.
Various facilities are described above, is provided by various agencies, companies, and institutions concerned with the strengthening and empowerment of SMEs. For the request means or procedures are not complicated. You come to the agency or institution and ask for sufficient information. Exhibition activities, they usually have a fixed schedule.
But before asking for help facility, you should select the type of facility appropriate to their needs and your business type. State enterprises or private companies, are generally more oriented to SME business sector alike. Astra, through sub-system kontrakting, many related to the SMEs that make automotive components, or workshops. Pertamina many provide assistance to SMEs who start a business that sells products Pertamina, such as kerosene, lubricants, or LPG gas.
Nevertheless price of this provision is not dead. Many SMEs are not the business types in accordance with a state-owned businesses also get help from state-owned building in question. Many SMEs craft or food-assisted Semen Gresik, Pertamina, Telkom, or Astra. Instead, the bike shop business, for example, does not have to ask for help to Pertamina or Astra, but can to other SOEs.
In order for the features you get optimum benefit, you should make a good business plan. So the search facility tailored to the needs of the moment. Based on experience, much less provide useful facilities for top-down run without adjusting to the real needs of SMEs. For your own that need to adjust to the needs. (*)

BLK's in the Department of Labor or PendidikanLuar Sekoilah (PLS) Ministry of National Education, for example, not only provided for the unemployed or the middle school graduates looking for work, but the perpetrators of SMEs inin improve the technical skills can also take advantage of this facility.
So also in the state, not only available funds for venture capital with a mild interest, but there are also many support training and technical facilities provided to SMEs free of charge. Facilities for SMEs from this state are summarized in the program called the Partnership Program and Community Development (PKBL). This program is part of corporate social responsibility in its concern for the people who called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Through PKBL and CSR programs, the state has a unit or section that specifically serve and handle the social aspects, including SMEs. In part beguile SMEs, SOEs and large companies private groups have also allocate part of its budget for community development (community development) and in supporting the empowerment of SMEs. The shape also varied, from training, marketing facilities, or assistance.
The college later also showed its concern in improving the quality of SMEs. These academics are helping to strengthen SMEs in the form of consultancy and training. While types of assistance include aspects of business management, financial accounting, as well as appropriate technology. Generally, college principals to provide support to SMEs through the Center for Community Services (LPM). Mekipun so, each faculty is not closed to the possibility of working with SMEs.
GMU, for example, in addition to the LPM, also formed SMEDC (Smal Medium Entreprise Development Center) or SME development center. This unit is often associated with SMEs in Yogyakarta, both in the form of mentoring, consulting, or other technical training. In addition, there are faculty who are open to SMEs who intend to use it. As the Faculty of Agricultural Technology is equipped to test the quality of food products.
Other facilities are also provided and selenggerakan nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) concerned with SMEs. In addition to providing training, facilitating NGO also conducts advocacy in improving the bargaining position (bargaining position of) SMEs. In addition, NGOs often also open ourselves to SMEs who want to consult about the constraints experienced in the business.
Likewise with the container business organization or association that is also providing various facilities in accordance with the needs of small and medium businesses. Facilitation provided by these business associations tend to be advocates for strengthening the bargaining position (bargaining position) of its members. Business associations are also frequently serves as a mouthpiece to voice the aspirations and interests of its members, namely the business community. In addition, the association is also a mediator for government agencies and other institutions who intend to work together or provide facilities for the business.
Associations or business organizations including the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kadin), Indonesian Furniture Association (Asmindo), Young Entrepreneurs Himpinan (HIMPI), the National Crafts Council (Dekranas), Association of Exporters and Producers of Indonesian Handicraft (ASEPHI), Forum Regional Small and Medium Enterprises (Forda SMEs). If you intend to join one of these associations, you can reach in the region or city you are because of various business associations have representatives or branches in various regions in Indonesia.
Various facilities are described above, is provided by various agencies, companies, and institutions concerned with the strengthening and empowerment of SMEs. For the request means or procedures are not complicated. You come to the agency or institution and ask for sufficient information. Exhibition activities, they usually have a fixed schedule.
But before asking for help facility, you should select the type of facility appropriate to their needs and your business type. State enterprises or private companies, are generally more oriented to SME business sector alike. Astra, through sub-system kontrakting, many related to the SMEs that make automotive components, or workshops. Pertamina many provide assistance to SMEs who start a business that sells products Pertamina, such as kerosene, lubricants, or LPG gas.
Nevertheless price of this provision is not dead. Many SMEs are not the business types in accordance with a state-owned businesses also get help from state-owned building in question. Many SMEs craft or food-assisted Semen Gresik, Pertamina, Telkom, or Astra. Instead, the bike shop business, for example, does not have to ask for help to Pertamina or Astra, but can to other SOEs.
In order for the features you get optimum benefit, you should make a good business plan. So the search facility tailored to the needs of the moment. Based on experience, much less provide useful facilities for top-down run without adjusting to the real needs of SMEs. For your own that need to adjust to the needs. (*)

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