Pull the story quite Preston unique to Islam. He bersyahadat in 1988 at the age of relatively young, 19 years old. According to Tarik, the journey becomes a Muslim not a long story, but the way how Allah swt continue to lead him to become a Muslim after conversion to Islam, precisely the stories that inspired him.
It all started from the name that smelled name of Islam, namely Pull, although he was a non-Muslim. "I was given the name Pull from birth. In the era of the 60's, 70's and even 80's became the norm for American parents to name their children with typical African name. In many cases, they chose the name of the actual name of the African Islamic and that's what happened to me, "said Preston.
Before becoming a Muslim, he often met with people who also called Pull or someone who understands the meaning of the name of Tarik. Those people, Preston said, would ask "you know what your name?". When it Drag proudly answered to their name as told his parents, "who spread the star light". After becoming a Muslim, Preston sometimes add the story behind his name with the story of Tariq ibn Ziyad. Muslim leader who conquered Spain.
Pull Preston biology majors during high school because he aspires to become a doctor. And in the first years as a medical student, he began reading the Bible, but he found the Christian teachings which he said does not make sense.
During spring break, Preston discuss with his grandmother about theology. Although a Christian, his grandmother statements made Preston amazed. "He said, 'I worship God and not worship Jesus, because I feel safer to worship god'," Preston said, imitating his grandmother statement. Since childhood, Preston is close to his grandmother's.
Since the conversation, said Preston, his habit to pray every night is no longer done in the name of Jesus, but he offered up a direct doannya the name of god.
One day, Preston was walking toward campus when met with a junior who she knew had converted to Islam. Juniors Preston was greeted with ucapa "assalamua'alaikum". For Preston who grew up in the Chicago area in the era of the 70s, the word "assalamua'alaikum" not a foreign word for him. So he answered the greeting by saying "wa'alaikumsalam".
Juniors were then asked whether Preston was a Muslim. He answered "no" and said that he was a believer 'alliance methodical ". And the junior said," Oh! I think you're a Muslim, because your name is Tarik. "
Shortly after the meeting. Preston met with juniors in a course and he tried to explain about Islam in Preston and a few classmates. "He's still very young and only know a bit about Islam. But he warned us about the danger of worshiping Jesus," said Preston remember that conversation.
The summer had arrived. Preston fill the holiday by working as a telemarketer, where he met with a Muslim named Ahmed. Ahmed is also a convert from Puerto Rico. First time they met, Preston asked Ahmed, "Are you a Muslim?"
Ahmed replied, "Yes, Tarik. You?
"I am not a Muslim. I believer fellowship methodical," said Preston.
Ahmed smiled and said, "In the name of Tarik, you should be a Muslim."
And then, of Ahmed, Preston knew about what was the religion of unity and Preston admitted impressed with the Islamic concept of the oneness of God. Once when Ahmed was invited to the house, Preston was amazed to see how Ahmed was glorifying holy book the Koran and Preston asked if he could borrow the Koran.
Ahmed first appeared reluctant and reasoned that he had only one Al-Quran. But Ahmed finally allowed to request that Preston really respect the Qur'an, keeping it clean and kept a decent place.
"I can not wait to read the Qur'an that," added Preston.
Two weeks later, Preston invited Ahmed to his house and returned discussion about Islam. At that Preston told Ahmed that he believed Al-Quran as truth and he wanted to become a Muslim.
Finally, the next day, Preston and Ahmed went to the Islamic Center in Washington, DC It was there, Preston said two sentences creed and became a Muslim.
Allah's grace, a few years later, Preston got the chance to learn about Islam at Islamic University in Medina, Saudi Arabia, where he obtained a degree in Arabic language and science of hadith.
"I hope, the story of how I converted to Islam could encourage other non-Muslims to pilgrimage to the Islamic religion. I also hope my story encourages my brethren his fellow Muslims to continue spreading the truth of the messages of Islam, both by words and deeds," Tarik said Preston closed the story. (ln / readislam)