Cai Mingjie never thought before if his life turned around 180%. Understandably, this bespectacled man was formerly a scientist with a good reputation. Last education completed PhD in biochemistry from leading universities, Stanford University.
But the man who had been a principal investigator in the field of genetics IMCB cells are going to leave that prestigious institution and choose a taxi driver.
"I was forced out of the research work at my career at the top, and could not get another job, for reasons I can only say as" the uniqueness of Singapore, "he said in his blog a site.
"As a result, I was driving taxis to make a living and write real-life story is just to make a boring job a little more interesting. I hope that these stories are interesting to you, too, "said Dr. Cai.
News about Dr. This is very surprising Cai Singapore society, a country considered the level of higher education progress and no doubt.
A white-collar worker who was shocked to say, before he was convinced that doctoral-level degree and experience a myriad of security to have a steady job and lasting success.
"If he eventually had to be a taxi driver, then what chance have ordinary people like us?" he asked.
I've met with a number of taxi drivers who have high qualifications in the last few years, including those who used to be a manager and engineer.
A cheerful driver, one day surprised me because it gives a complete description of what the stock should be bought and which ones should be avoided. Apparently he used to be a stockbroker.
"At times like this, maybe only the taxi business is still actively receiving employees in Singapore, said Dr. Cai.
For me, the change of life Dr. Cai was brought Singapore into a new phase.
"I'm probably the only driver with a PhD from Stanford and has a recognized experience in the field of science ..." writes Dr. Cai in his blog.
Doctoral Degree

Story Dr. Cai spread quickly in cyberspace. Most of Singapore expressed their appreciation for its ability to adapt so quickly to her new life. Two Singaporean youths asked the cab number, saying that they would be very happy if you can walk around with his cab and chatted.
"Many (lesson) that he could give me," said one.
Others asked why he could not get a teaching job, given the scientific experience is so amazing.
Out of work long he actually is mainly due to personal reasons (he was accused of causing trouble by the lead investigator), and not because of sluggish biotechnology projects in Singapore, which still survive in this crisis period.
The case made iitu general weakness in the field of R and D (research and development) Singapore spotlight.
"Poor economic conditions meant not many companies that can afford a professional scientist," said a cyber surfers. "Academic degree is not much help - history proves that many PhD degrees looking for a job hunt."
While the image of taxi drivers into high terdongkrak, not that way with Singapore biomedika projects, especially their efforts to grow the seeds of new research talent in the country.
"More and more people away from Singapore's career in science," said one blogger.
Someone wrote, "In my opinion, a PhD is not useful, especially in Singapore. It's just a certificate, not more."
Another added, "In the United States the situation worse. Many who come here to look for a job."
"I do not want my child to school for years finally just a taxi driver," said housewife seornag who have teenage daughters.
The case against Singapore citizens, who through his PhD research at Stanford University with research subjects that developers around the protein, it is not unique.
American research scientist, Douglas Prasher, who succeeded in isolating the gene that could produce a green glowing protein - and has just failed to gain the Nobel Prize in 2008, facing the same situation.
Prasher moved from a research institution to another institution when research funds run out. At last he stopped to cultivate science, and turned into shuttle driver in Alabama.
"Nevertheless, he remained humble and happy and seemed pleased with the work of his minivan driving," said one Internet surfer.
With the market changing world of work is available, and the increasing number of business owners who want a job can be done by one person with a short work contract, the more the people of Singapore are pursuing different degrees. Eg legal or accounting with computers with business.
Some people began to avoid a postgraduate degree or field-specific disciplines. They prefer a more scientific field of general or cross-sectoral.
"Experience is king," was his motto now. And the people in droves looking for an internship without pay.
"In the future, what is needed is that graduates with diverse skills and flexible career, people who can adapt to a variety of different jobs," said a businessman.
Over the last few years, in which globalization is increasing in, there ketidaksinkronan between what is learned by the people of Singapore at the university with a lived career.
Singapore followed the trend in the developed world, where old businesses can be lost instantly in one night, then came a new business, which became a problem for those who can not adjust.
I know a young man, civil engineers from leading universities in the United States, which abandoned the construction world for teaching the world cultivate.
The other engineers that I meet, taking care of her father's coffee shop is very profitable. Another, a lawyer who later became a musician or a journalist, and so forth.
Cases in which the people doing the work that had nothing to do with their educational background, the day more. So that the interviewer is asking prospective employees are no longer asked, "Why would a seasoned scientist as you want to work as a low-level employees?"
In the past parents dizzy thinking about what field of study that must be taken by his son, accounting or law or engineering, fields that promise success. And they will determine a field, and continue to pursue and menggelutinya to be a profession.
A doctor will work to become a doctor, a biologist will work in the laboratory, and the lawyers will argue in the courts busy.
Dr Cai is a China-born man who later became a citizen of Singapore, after gaining a PhD in molecular biology from Stanford University in 1990. He joined IMCB two years later and worked as a chief researcher in the field of cell genetics until his departure.
He was suspended from the Institute of Molecular and Cell biology (IMCB) in Singapore Astar, a place where he had worked for 16 tahundan can not guarantee jobs until penghentiannya in May 2008. Towards November 2008, he decided to become a taxi driver.
Now, the man with seambrek curriculum vitaes and university experience, government agencies and companies driving the Toyota Crown vehicle. "At a time like this, the taxi business may be the only business in Singapore is still actively recruiting people," he said. [On / ts
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