Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

Install Driver For Printer Epson Series TX111

Before install driver printer Epson TX111, please off printer epson TX111, and please following step below as :
1. Install Library tiff and png with command :
$ sudo apt-get install libtiff4 libpng2
2. Download driver Epson TX 111 with address :
3. into root privilage and extract file you have download.
$ su
$ sudo bash
# tar xfz pips-snx110-debian4.0-3.7.0-CG.tgz
4. Execute the extracted file by clicking it from within the file manager
or with the following command. Always install the files using root privileges
# ./pips-snx110-debian4.0-3.7.0-CG.install
5. on your printer, and then screen show choice printer for epson TX111, and you can choice
Epson TX 111 or TX 109. following on the screen. if finish, please check print.

----------------------- Good Luck -----------------------------------------------

Sebelum menginstall driver TX 111, matikan dahulu printer epson TX111

1. Install lib tiff dan png dengan perintah :
$ sudo apt-get install libtiff4 libpng2
2. Download Driver Epson TX 111 di
3. masuk ke root privilage dan extract file yang sudah di download tadi
$ su
$ sudo bash
# tar xfz pips-snx110-debian4.0-3.7.0-CG.tgz
4. eksekusi file yang sudah di extract tadi
# ./pips-snx110-debian4.0-3.7.0-CG.install
5.kemudian nyalakan printer Driver TX 111, maka dilayar akan menampilkan pilihan printer, pilih
printer TX111 atau TX 109. setelah itu finish. untuk mengetest, klik tombol test print

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