Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009
Install Google Earth from linux
From the menu bar, choose Applications - Accessories -Terminal
This will open a command line terminal.
Type each command as follows, pressing the Enter key after the line.
cd Path_Where_Google_Earth_bin_file_is_saved
sudo sh Google_Earth_bin_file
NOTE: sudo will ask for your password, Enter it and press Enter
This will install Google Earth or give any any error messages in the terminal
After the install has finished you can close the terminal.
Now you know how to use a terminal, you are on the way to becoming a Linux Power User
Rabu, 23 Desember 2009
Cleaning head epson from linux
You'll need either "escputil" or "mtink", both are in Synaptic.
The mtink utility doesn't work with our 825, it could be usable by normal people if it supports your printer, although you have to be a geek to run it from the command line as no menu entries are setup by synaptic.
Epson check ink levels:
escputil -r /dev/usblp0 -s
Epson print nozzle check:
escputil -r /dev/usblp0 -n
Epson clean:
escputil -r /dev/usblp0 -c
Of course the -r parameter will depend on how your printer is connected
How non-geeks are supposed to make any use of this I'll never fathom.
There needs to be buttons in the printer properties box to launch these commands and display the output so normal people can use Epson printers effectively.
Rabu, 16 Desember 2009
Install CCL Billing
#mkdir /root/master
#cd /root/master
|Install Paket2 Pendukung|
#apt-get install libsqlite3_0 libsqlite3_0-devel libsqlite3_0-static-devel libfox1.4 libfox1.4-devel libopenssl0.9.7 libopenssl0.9.7-devel libopenssl0.9.7-static-devel
|CCL Billing Source Code|
|install libcclc|
#tar xvfj libcclc-0.7.0.tar.bz2
#cd cd libcclc-0.7.0
#make && make install
|install libccls|
#tar xvfj libccls-0.7.0.tar.bz2
#cd libccls-0.7.0
#make && make install
|install cclcfox|
#tar xvfk cclcfox-0.7.0.tar.bz2
#cd cclcfox-0.7.0
#make && make install
|install cclfox|
#tar xvfj cclfox-0.7.0.tar.bz2
#cd cclfox-0.7.0
#make && make install
Edit File /etc/
Tambahkan 2 Baris Berikut
Simpan, jalankan perintah
Filed under: LTSP
Tambahan informasi :
Cafe Con Leche actually is a library project that intends to make the development of internet cafe programs easier, it consists of two library : libccls is used to make the server part, and libcclc is used to make the client. But The developers also made a GPL version Billing based on these library called CCLFox.
CCL is very popular here in Indonesia where Internet Cafes are starting to turn to Free Open Source Operating System since Microsoft and the Police starts sweeping internet cafes for illegal use of Microsoft Windows. But nonetheless it’s hard to find a How to on installing and using libCCL and CCLfox, especially on Ubuntu, I’ve done some googling last night and didn’t find anything satisfying. I’ve found some very good reference tough, like the one one and at Mr.Handri’s Blog.This How To is actually based on Linux Mint 3.0 but i think it’ll work just fine on Fiesty and you can download CCL here.
==Common Installation==
Both side of the application (client & server) has to meet their depdencies, since this is not a debian package, we have to install the dependencies manually. CCL depdencies are
* sqlite3
* glib2.0
* libfox1.4
* openssl
so on both computer (clien & server) run these command :
$ sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libfox1.4 libfox1.4-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
Don’t forget the build essentials for compiling from source :
$sudo apt-get install build-essential
Then edit your /etc/ file with :
$gksudo gedit /etc/
and add these lines :
Then execute this :
$sudo ldconfig
== Billing Server ==
for the server side you’ll need these to files :
Put these files on your home folder an do these steps :
$tar -xjvf libccls-0.7.0.tar.bz2
$cd libccls-0.7.0
$sudo make install
$cd ..
$tar -xjvf cclfox-0.7.0.tar.bz2
$cd cclfox-0.7.0
$sudo make install
Then create a launcher on your desktop and add :
cclfox -nossl
on the “command” text box
== Billing Client ==
for the server side you’ll need these to files :
Put these files on your home folder an do these steps :
$tar -xjvf libcclc-0.7.0.tar.bz2
$cd libcclc-0.7.0
$sudo make install
$cd ..
$tar -xjvf cclcfox-0.7.0.tar.bz2
$cd cclcfox-0.7.0
$sudo make install
Then create a launcher on your desktop and add :
cclcfox -host
on the “command” text box
That’s about it! Now my internet cafe is 100% sugar *M$* free!
Trouble Shooting :
this errors bellow usually happens because we have installed the depdencies but we didn’t installed the dev of the library that is used for compiling the CCL from source :
1. configure: error: please install openssl
cure : $sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
2. configure: error: please install sqlite3
cure : $sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
3. configure: error: please install glib
cure : $sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev
4. configure: error: please install fox
cure : $sudo apt-get install libfox1.4-dev
5. configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables.
cure :$sudo apt-get install build-essential
If you find any error please let me know, and forgive my english, it’s getting rusty :p
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Rabu, 09 Desember 2009
Yahoo In molester profitable Tiger Woods

"The affair golf idol Tiger Woods has become an online gift, especially for Yahoo," said Yahoo Chief Executive Carol Bartz.
"God bless Tiger," Bartz said during a discussion of user traffic and Yahoo ads on the conference Global Media & Communications, UBS Investment Bank.
"This week we can raise a big story, the main page, news, sports, gossip. Molester Tiger Woods is better than Michael Jackson because it was difficult to put ads next to a cemetery," he added.
Woods has become a media storm in adulterous affairs. The furor broke out when he crashed his car last November 27 outside his home in Florida where he lives with his wife Elin, a former Swedish model, and their two children.
Woods does not give a statement to the police about the accident and he failed to stifle the media speculation.
He cited as an argument to harm his wife about the affair with the owner of the New York nightclub Rachel Uchitel

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009
Print to PDF using cups-pdf
cups-pdf is the package I was looking for apparently. But unfortunately, this takes just a little setting up.
Install cups-pdf by using:
$sudo apt-get install cups-pdf
Edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and change the line that says:
RunAsUser Yes
RunAsUser No
Restart cupsys:
$sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
Add a new printer (System->Administration->Printing) selecting the “Local Printer” “PDF Printer” option. In the next step choose “Generic Printer” and then used the “Postscript Color Printer (Ver 3)” driver.
Now you should be able to print to pdf by selecting the newly setup printer.
1) The output .pdf files are stored in your “Home” directory. I can’t find a way to change this output directory to something of my liking
2) The output files are named with pre-defined names (job_8-untitled_document.pdf is an example). It would have been nice to select a name while printing.
3) One shouldn’t have to edit the cupsd.conf file to enable printing! (I found that I might have to edit the configuration file by visiting the homepage of the package, and trying out what I did). At the very least, the README.Debian file for the package should have informed me of the need to edit the configuration file.
Shortcut :
Ubuntu :
Go to menu System-->Administration-->Synaptic Package Manager. and type "cups-pdf" from quick search. if show it, please check and apply.
if success, please open printer manager, you can see "pdf printer" from printer manager
------------------------------ good luck ----------------------------------------------------
Install Driver For Printer Epson Series TX111
1. Install Library tiff and png with command :
$ sudo apt-get install libtiff4 libpng2
2. Download driver Epson TX 111 with address :
3. into root privilage and extract file you have download.
$ su
$ sudo bash
# tar xfz pips-snx110-debian4.0-3.7.0-CG.tgz
4. Execute the extracted file by clicking it from within the file manager
or with the following command. Always install the files using root privileges
# ./pips-snx110-debian4.0-3.7.0-CG.install
5. on your printer, and then screen show choice printer for epson TX111, and you can choice
Epson TX 111 or TX 109. following on the screen. if finish, please check print.
----------------------- Good Luck -----------------------------------------------
Sebelum menginstall driver TX 111, matikan dahulu printer epson TX111
1. Install lib tiff dan png dengan perintah :
$ sudo apt-get install libtiff4 libpng2
2. Download Driver Epson TX 111 di
3. masuk ke root privilage dan extract file yang sudah di download tadi
$ su
$ sudo bash
# tar xfz pips-snx110-debian4.0-3.7.0-CG.tgz
4. eksekusi file yang sudah di extract tadi
# ./pips-snx110-debian4.0-3.7.0-CG.install
5.kemudian nyalakan printer Driver TX 111, maka dilayar akan menampilkan pilihan printer, pilih
printer TX111 atau TX 109. setelah itu finish. untuk mengetest, klik tombol test print
Installing VirtualBox 3.0 On An Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop
As of version 2.0 VirtualBox supports 32 and 64bit host and guest operating systems (if you want to install 64bit guests your processor must support hardware virtualization and, of course, the host operating system must be 64bit as well).
This document comes without warranty of any kind! I want to say that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!
Installing VirtualBox From Precompiled Binaries

Open /etc/apt/sources.list...
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
... and add the VirtualBox repository to it:
deb jaunty non-free
Then add the public key of the VirtualBox repository to your system...
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
... and update the package database:
sudo aptitude update
Afterwards you can install VirtualBox 3.0 as follows:
sudo aptitude install virtualbox-3.0 dkms
In the Create Launcher window, please fill in the following details:
* Type: Application
* Name: VirtualBox
* Command: VirtualBox (please take care about upper/lower case - this is a command, if you don't write it right, the application won't start)
* Comment: You can fill in anything you like or leave it blank.
If you like, you can also select an icon for the new application, but this is no must.
good luck
Error subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
" subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 "
Solution :
removing the file /var/lib/dpkg/info/
and reinstall again.
Minggu, 06 Desember 2009
That Stanford PhD graduate, now So Driver

Cai Mingjie never thought before if his life turned around 180%. Understandably, this bespectacled man was formerly a scientist with a good reputation. Last education completed PhD in biochemistry from leading universities, Stanford University.
But the man who had been a principal investigator in the field of genetics IMCB cells are going to leave that prestigious institution and choose a taxi driver.
"I was forced out of the research work at my career at the top, and could not get another job, for reasons I can only say as" the uniqueness of Singapore, "he said in his blog a site.
"As a result, I was driving taxis to make a living and write real-life story is just to make a boring job a little more interesting. I hope that these stories are interesting to you, too, "said Dr. Cai.
News about Dr. This is very surprising Cai Singapore society, a country considered the level of higher education progress and no doubt.
A white-collar worker who was shocked to say, before he was convinced that doctoral-level degree and experience a myriad of security to have a steady job and lasting success.
"If he eventually had to be a taxi driver, then what chance have ordinary people like us?" he asked.
I've met with a number of taxi drivers who have high qualifications in the last few years, including those who used to be a manager and engineer.
A cheerful driver, one day surprised me because it gives a complete description of what the stock should be bought and which ones should be avoided. Apparently he used to be a stockbroker.
"At times like this, maybe only the taxi business is still actively receiving employees in Singapore, said Dr. Cai.
For me, the change of life Dr. Cai was brought Singapore into a new phase.
"I'm probably the only driver with a PhD from Stanford and has a recognized experience in the field of science ..." writes Dr. Cai in his blog.
Doctoral Degree

Story Dr. Cai spread quickly in cyberspace. Most of Singapore expressed their appreciation for its ability to adapt so quickly to her new life. Two Singaporean youths asked the cab number, saying that they would be very happy if you can walk around with his cab and chatted.
"Many (lesson) that he could give me," said one.
Others asked why he could not get a teaching job, given the scientific experience is so amazing.
Out of work long he actually is mainly due to personal reasons (he was accused of causing trouble by the lead investigator), and not because of sluggish biotechnology projects in Singapore, which still survive in this crisis period.
The case made iitu general weakness in the field of R and D (research and development) Singapore spotlight.
"Poor economic conditions meant not many companies that can afford a professional scientist," said a cyber surfers. "Academic degree is not much help - history proves that many PhD degrees looking for a job hunt."
While the image of taxi drivers into high terdongkrak, not that way with Singapore biomedika projects, especially their efforts to grow the seeds of new research talent in the country.
"More and more people away from Singapore's career in science," said one blogger.
Someone wrote, "In my opinion, a PhD is not useful, especially in Singapore. It's just a certificate, not more."
Another added, "In the United States the situation worse. Many who come here to look for a job."
"I do not want my child to school for years finally just a taxi driver," said housewife seornag who have teenage daughters.
The case against Singapore citizens, who through his PhD research at Stanford University with research subjects that developers around the protein, it is not unique.
American research scientist, Douglas Prasher, who succeeded in isolating the gene that could produce a green glowing protein - and has just failed to gain the Nobel Prize in 2008, facing the same situation.
Prasher moved from a research institution to another institution when research funds run out. At last he stopped to cultivate science, and turned into shuttle driver in Alabama.
"Nevertheless, he remained humble and happy and seemed pleased with the work of his minivan driving," said one Internet surfer.
With the market changing world of work is available, and the increasing number of business owners who want a job can be done by one person with a short work contract, the more the people of Singapore are pursuing different degrees. Eg legal or accounting with computers with business.
Some people began to avoid a postgraduate degree or field-specific disciplines. They prefer a more scientific field of general or cross-sectoral.
"Experience is king," was his motto now. And the people in droves looking for an internship without pay.
"In the future, what is needed is that graduates with diverse skills and flexible career, people who can adapt to a variety of different jobs," said a businessman.
Over the last few years, in which globalization is increasing in, there ketidaksinkronan between what is learned by the people of Singapore at the university with a lived career.
Singapore followed the trend in the developed world, where old businesses can be lost instantly in one night, then came a new business, which became a problem for those who can not adjust.
I know a young man, civil engineers from leading universities in the United States, which abandoned the construction world for teaching the world cultivate.
The other engineers that I meet, taking care of her father's coffee shop is very profitable. Another, a lawyer who later became a musician or a journalist, and so forth.
Cases in which the people doing the work that had nothing to do with their educational background, the day more. So that the interviewer is asking prospective employees are no longer asked, "Why would a seasoned scientist as you want to work as a low-level employees?"
In the past parents dizzy thinking about what field of study that must be taken by his son, accounting or law or engineering, fields that promise success. And they will determine a field, and continue to pursue and menggelutinya to be a profession.
A doctor will work to become a doctor, a biologist will work in the laboratory, and the lawyers will argue in the courts busy.
Dr Cai is a China-born man who later became a citizen of Singapore, after gaining a PhD in molecular biology from Stanford University in 1990. He joined IMCB two years later and worked as a chief researcher in the field of cell genetics until his departure.
He was suspended from the Institute of Molecular and Cell biology (IMCB) in Singapore Astar, a place where he had worked for 16 tahundan can not guarantee jobs until penghentiannya in May 2008. Towards November 2008, he decided to become a taxi driver.
Now, the man with seambrek curriculum vitaes and university experience, government agencies and companies driving the Toyota Crown vehicle. "At a time like this, the taxi business may be the only business in Singapore is still actively recruiting people," he said. [On / ts
Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009
World's Most Expensive iPod for Sale 230,000 USD

iPod Supreme is a special version of the iPod Touch, a digital music player Apple besutan. Special indeed, because the Supreme as the iPod Touch claimed the world's most expensive, with the price of U.S. $ 233,000
Supreme iPod was designed by Katherine Hughes, the wife of the British designer, Stuart Hughes, who some time ago also released the most expensive iPhone. There are only three course, the iPod line of Supreme decorated all over her expensive jewelry bodinya.
Supreme iPod casing is made of 22 carat gold, while the Apple logo studded with glittering diamonds. Quoted from UberGizmo, Sunday (6/12/2009), the edge of the iPod is also decorated with a special 300 grain diamond.
Not just only that, the main navigation buttons on this popular gadget is also planted with a grain of pink diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds. With the official price exorbitant price, obviously it is only the affluent can afford an iPod Supreme.
Stuart Hughes is known as a designer of luxury gadgets. Dress the various types of company mobile phones with jewelry and exclusive designs, so the price is so much higher than the original.
This is Resume SBY Before the imposition of 100 days
Situation analysis:
1. The issue of corruption is indeed a middle class issue
2. Do not touch the people directly
3. However, based on experience in a liberal democracy, these issues effectively to bring down the power SBY (ex: Gus Dur, Joseph Estrada, etc.) through the mechanism of parliamentary
4. At the popular level the issue of corruption could make the power kehilangkan trust and apathy toward the political elite
5. If this issue continues to grow and the problems of poverty and employment will be a potential acute acute sentiment as well: will be a common economic issues, political issues will be encouraged to repeat the incident in May 1998.
Clarification Target:
1. Increasing the issue of clean and effective government to SBY terdelegitimasi
2. Repositioning of office and replace bargaining position
3. SBY toppled before the 100-day parliamentary
4. SBY with fury to overthrow the masses
Movement Patterns
Encouraging Movement Top:
1. Will remain driven group that gathered at Imparsial and Contrast assigned to Syafii Maarif and Din Syamsudin who could still talk with Todung Mulya Lubis, Komarudin Hidayat, Goenawan Mohamad / Bambang Harry Murti.
Platform: Clean Government
Priority targets: the eradication of corruption in law enforcement institutions to clean. These groups tend to bargaining because they support the liberalization, and quit after the team formed (but when SBY speech about the disclosure of the bank will be sacrificed Century VP Boediono, then they immediately attacked SBY is going to fall before 100 days.
2. Compact will remain driven, (kpd assigned Fadjroel Rahman, Ray Rangkuti and Yudi Latif) political position with the bag as if he would encourage all state institutions abide by the recommendations and encouraged the team to topple SBY.
3. Forum Rector, the line almost as refusing to criminalize the Commission and entered into the issue of Century Bank (Syafii Maarif)
4. Forum 28 (assigned to Yudi Latif and Fadjroel Rahman)
5. Parliament, the right bank questionnaire Century, the task with JK and Prabowo with lobbying Aburizal Bakrie and Megawati Sukarnoputri.
6. Media, providing enough energy for the movement is under-powered Metro TV and TV One.
And the media is printing KOMPAS and Media Indonesia. assigned to Surya Paloh and Suryopratomo
7. Facebooker, pro-middle-class establishment, systemic, black and white view of political developments did not stop pushing for the liberation movement Seed & Chandra. (assigned to the IT team campaign Mega-Pro)
Immediately approached knots or figures of the movement of mass below:
1. Spontaneous movement after Seed & Chandra arrested
2. Movement, active students, academics, some community leaders
3. Moving off campus
4. Moved slightly extended to the cities
5. Although not involve a large mass (the node or this figure can be approached with a persuasive approach and material to be pushed to the overthrow of the movement was assigned to Yudi Latif)
Selasa, 24 November 2009
Review for
The house is a place to rest the most comfortable for you and your family,
Having a large garden, lovely and clean is the willingness of each to have a house, so that our parks well maintained and neatly obviously need the proper equipment, so that the park maintenance equipment to properly maintain and durable, clearly needed a strong metal sheds, stand long and resistant to corrosion,
in addition to storing garden equipment should also be able to store outdoor toys for our children. so that when our children's play garden, then we can easily save the storage place.
With the "metal garden shed" business park and storage equipment toys easy and safe.
for the needs of metal garden shed, our expert, with a variety of attractive options and modern design, such as:
1: Metal Garden Storage
2. High Security Metal Shed
3. Vagard Garden Shed
4. Centrurion Metal Garden Shed
and various types of metal garden shed the other.
for more details you can contact our website

Review for medacademy
As for the program provided:
Core Programs
- Vocational Nursing Program | VN Program
- Psychiatric Technician Program
- Ultrasound Technology Program
- MRI Technology Program
- Radiologic Technology Program | X-Ray Program
- Phlebotomy Technician Program
- CPR for Healthcare Providers
For more information can visit:
1. Website:
2. If you have a problem about it you can contact me by calling
YM: hendrapoernama

Kamis, 19 November 2009
Behind the Screen chaotic American government?

Is now the time has come to the conclusion that "American Exception" was almost over? We all know that for many centuries, Americans have always excluded in many ways, and exceptions that come as a form of excessive respect for the country.
With the execution of a new health benefits, system of checks and balances that had been running in America seems to be dim. Some U.S. Republicans have already seen it.
So far, the American government system is controlled by three separate government agencies. The government is run entirely by congressional representatives of the executive and the judicial council. Executive most responsible for matters of diplomacy, war, and legislative decisions. Meanwhile, the judicial council to limit the role of Congress and the executive. However, this system is now stagnant.
U.S. is always controlled by the various executive agencies. Call it starting from the FBI, IRS, FDA, DHS, FAA, and DOT. All of these agencies determine the duties of the Congress and the executive. Some of them are bound by law, while others are completely ignored (as it was contrary to their purpose).
But none of them are affected in the general election. Most institutions also took the role of the judiciary, to interpret the law according to which they want. Even the U.S. military was in fact an agency that is more or less controlled by the U.S. president.
Now, U.S. health benefits program to settle in Congress. Which means, a lot will happen divert the American people of GDP by 10%. As a result more and more tax rises and rises, and the position of the deputies left. Thus, the world will see the birth of the American oligarchy-rule by the elite, which in this case, agencies heads earlier.
It was then a chief executive would be chosen for a while, but ultimately the agency will take over so much power and become democratic system such as the "Queen of England," aka the other not only as a mere symbolic power.
Historically, American agencies have proven to not be destroyed. No one in America has ever had a record of tinkering with Social Security or dismantle the CIA. Americans do not like the fact that France had a radical right-wing groups, or segments of the opposition of the people.
What does it mean? The potential existence of the agency will spread more widely, even arriving at the network and private military forces. As has happened at this time

Rabu, 18 November 2009
Top 10 Paid to Post Sites for Blogs
If you are new to paid blog posts, find out how they work and how to start blogging for money here. I am listing the top paid to post sites, ranked in order of the amounts they have paid recently for my sponsored posts on blogs.
1 PayU2Blog
Once you create your account, opportunities are sent to you and they will appear whenever you log in. Pays $5 for a post of 60 words minimum, including one link to the advertiser’s site using the anchor text they specify. These are quick to write and the opps can mount up, in fact they paid the highest amount to me for August out of all the paid blogging sites. They require you to complete all the assignments sent to you within deadline, which is mostly around four days. There are other bonuses on this site if you live in the US, as they often get samples of products for bloggers to review.
2. Blogitive
These offers appear in your dashboard when you sign in, but you have to be around when they pop up to click ‘accept’. Posts appear sporadically but when they do, they arrive thick and fast and you are paid $5 per assignment. Once accepted you have 48 hours to write the post (100 words minimum). Despite the unpredictable nature of the opportunities, I have found this to be a consistent source of earnings.
3. Pay Per Post
This is one of the biggest sites, with more than 40,000 registered members. When you log in to your account there can be up to 200 opportunities on offer. But there is a qualification requirement for all opps, and the highest paying assignments usually require Page Rank 5 blogs. At the moment you can make two posts per day for each of your blogs and the reality is that most opps will pay no more than $15 each for blogs up to PR3. The admin at this site can get quite strict about the rules,
4. Blogsvertise
There are two ways to get paid posts at this site. Assignments are emailed to you, but you can also log in once a day to check on the grab bag tasks. Most posts pay $6 – $10, for an entry of three paragraphs containing a minimum of three links to the advertiser’s site. This site started slowly for me but during August the paid opportunities have been more frequent. Blogsvertise is currently my fourth best paying site.
5. LoudLaunch
This site shows a list of live opportunities on your dashboard, but many of them are already expired or may not be available to lower page rank blogs. The sponsored posts pay $5 each for 150 words, and no disclosure is required in the post itself. The awkward part of the process is that you have to go back to the site and click a link to get your post approved, between 10 minutes – two hours after posting. If you forget to do this your post will be rejected automatically.
6. BlogtoProfit
After accepting your blog the Admin at this site will send you assignments via email, with a spreadsheet attached for you to post details of the URLs where you have placed the link. You normally receive five assignments paying $5 each for 60 words minimum. After you email the details, your payment arrives within 48 hours.
7. Money4Blogs
This site paid for a few links on my blogs several months ago and then the company seemed to disappear off the radar. Now they are back online, alive and kicking. You submit the URL(s) of your blog(s) and they make you an offer for the link. I received $20 for some of the links but the new payment structure has not been publicised yet.
8. V7N Webmaster Forum
At this site you need to register your blog(s) but there is no dashboard so if you have more than one blog you cannot check its status. You also need to join their forum and mention your ID when you register your blog. Assignments are then sent to you via a private message at the forum, so make sure you set your forum options to notify you. This site has been quiet for me lately: this month I received only one paid posting job. The post requirement is 100 words minimum, you reply to the message with the URL of your post and the money is paid within 48 hours.
9. Blogging Ads
Until recently BloggingAds new offers appeared on the first day of the month and you needed to log in to claim them. Now they state that offers are spread through the month, however I have not received any assignments at this site since July. If there are a lot of paid posting opportunities do bear in mind that each account is limited to three posts per blog each month, and ten posts per month across all of your approved blogs. Assignments pay $5 each for a paid blog post of 100 words approximately. The reason I have not stated a precise requirement on post length is that BloggingAds supplies ready-written copy that you can post if you choose, otherwise you can take the keyword phrases and anchor text and write your own posts.
10. Bloggerwave
This site had some problems with Paypal admin in its startup phase, leading to rumours of a scam. These have now been completely resolved and the paid post opportunities pay you $10 per assignment. So far there have been only five different opps.

Eating Oranges Oranges strategy for the Taliban
This is the new way the British military in carrying out its mission in the Taliban. Feeling constantly failing, even get the criticism from many people, the British military strategy oranges oranges: they want to recruit British Muslims to join the army to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
General Sir David Richards said that British troops may be in Afghanistan until the next 40 years. Whether joking or serious stress this general statement. What would he asserted, that the British military will recruit British Muslims to join the military.
"I want to see certain people join the army." He told the MoD Journal. "It would be better if Muslims join."
According to MoD sources Journal, this time Richards was sending Muslim troops to recruitment in Bradford, Leeds, Birmingham and London. MoD wrote, that this will be a sensitive and will be a big problem. Currently, in England there are 2.5 million people who embrace Islam as a faith.
It is not possible, this strategy will be used also by other state-including the U.S., and Nato countries. They obviously want to see a Muslim killing another Muslim. If they refuse duty to Afghanistan, they might also be faced with prosecution and punishment.
British military strategy is obviously really entrap the people of Islam in this country. If the British Muslim soldier and shot against the Taliban, it is hard to imagine how they feel. (sa / mrror)
Senin, 16 November 2009
Opportunity to make money from

Monetizing blog is an interesting activity. Other than as a pleasure, monetize blog can also be hobby. One of the monetize program from a blog that is now booming again was paid to review, ordinary peoples call this with PTR. There are so many PTR circulating in the world with different from each other. But LinkFromBlog is a unique PTR. This program has more advantages than others PTR and gives bonus to all blogs LinkFromBlog complete activation. These bonuses vary depending on the quality from your blog. may be one of the alternatives for PTR. LinkFromBlog don’t just give opportunities but great opportunities! This way, you earn more money. They’re also great because not only can you advertise through your blogs or websites but also with your Twitter accounts!
The rules are the same with other PTR programs. Those advertisers get their products to LinkFromBlog then bloggers to write a review about your product and publish it on his blog. To follow this program you must follow all the rules that have been determined. For the review of decisions, usually the word that is required to use is 100 words and 600 words each article review, but it certainly depends on the application advertiser. This is good opportunity for blogger want to search money in internet. It’s another great source for income, and another way you can use your talent in writing or advertising as well.
Tell your friends and colleagues about your profile at LinkFromBlog, and LinkFromBlog will pay you $ 50 for each qualified referral.
There are no limits to the number of referrals you can make and the money you can earn. All you have to do is make referrals, LinkFromBlog take care of all the tracking details and automatically pay you.
Try out now, and who knows, you might earn more than with your old trusted websites! So what are you waiting for? Try to join at for getting income from your blog.

Hit The American Hunger
The crisis is not over in America. The number of Americans who do not have access to adequate food, jumped to 49 million, the largest in American history.
According to a federal report released Monday (15 / 1) showed a sharp increase in food shortages, especially among families with children.
This report was first produced during the tenure of President Obama. Obama himself during the presidential campaign last year, promised to fight hunger. In response to these conditions, whereas before the U.S. Congress has poured $ 85 million to provide subsidized breakfast and lunch at schools.
According to Tom Vilsack, sekteraris agriculture minister, this is due to worsening unemployment situation in the country. U.S. unemployment rate now exceeds 10 percent. "It's no secret. Poverty, unemployment, all these factors," he said. Vilsack and even admitted that "there may be an additional increase" the numbers in 2009 this year.
The report shows that federal programs have only just reached the majority of middle-class people down. Suffering from food shortages, especially families that consisted only of mothers and children only.
No escape, black people or Hispanic in the U.S. also suffer more hunger than whites. (Sa / washingtonpost)

Minggu, 15 November 2009
Doctor Norway: Israel is a Terrorist State!

Dr Mads Gilbert accused Israel of a "terrorist state" led by the losers, which is their native place in jail after an investigation carried out an international tribunal for their crimes against the Palestinian people.
Norway's doctor told the newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi published on Sunday yesterday - said that he supports the Palestinian people's right to choose their own representatives. Then when asked about the Israeli allegations, he stated that he only deal with Hamas leaders.
He said that Israel had no one to argue buktipun "our evidence and testimony."
Norwegian doctors also said that he was not frustrated by the lies of Israel for their war crimes, adding, "We must be patient ... history teaches us that many of the kingdom that lasted for centuries will eventually collapse as well ... we should be optimistic because if we allow ourselves to be weak if it means we are betraying the Palestinian people ".
Dr. Gilbert is one of the foreign doctors who enter the Gaza Strip during the Israeli war and contribute to heal the Palestinians during the war amounted to thousands of Gaza. (Fq / pic)

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Thank You

Jumat, 13 November 2009
Pull Preston: My name brought me to Islam
Pull the story quite Preston unique to Islam. He bersyahadat in 1988 at the age of relatively young, 19 years old. According to Tarik, the journey becomes a Muslim not a long story, but the way how Allah swt continue to lead him to become a Muslim after conversion to Islam, precisely the stories that inspired him.
It all started from the name that smelled name of Islam, namely Pull, although he was a non-Muslim. "I was given the name Pull from birth. In the era of the 60's, 70's and even 80's became the norm for American parents to name their children with typical African name. In many cases, they chose the name of the actual name of the African Islamic and that's what happened to me, "said Preston.
Before becoming a Muslim, he often met with people who also called Pull or someone who understands the meaning of the name of Tarik. Those people, Preston said, would ask "you know what your name?". When it Drag proudly answered to their name as told his parents, "who spread the star light". After becoming a Muslim, Preston sometimes add the story behind his name with the story of Tariq ibn Ziyad. Muslim leader who conquered Spain.
Pull Preston biology majors during high school because he aspires to become a doctor. And in the first years as a medical student, he began reading the Bible, but he found the Christian teachings which he said does not make sense.
During spring break, Preston discuss with his grandmother about theology. Although a Christian, his grandmother statements made Preston amazed. "He said, 'I worship God and not worship Jesus, because I feel safer to worship god'," Preston said, imitating his grandmother statement. Since childhood, Preston is close to his grandmother's.
Since the conversation, said Preston, his habit to pray every night is no longer done in the name of Jesus, but he offered up a direct doannya the name of god.
One day, Preston was walking toward campus when met with a junior who she knew had converted to Islam. Juniors Preston was greeted with ucapa "assalamua'alaikum". For Preston who grew up in the Chicago area in the era of the 70s, the word "assalamua'alaikum" not a foreign word for him. So he answered the greeting by saying "wa'alaikumsalam".
Juniors were then asked whether Preston was a Muslim. He answered "no" and said that he was a believer 'alliance methodical ". And the junior said," Oh! I think you're a Muslim, because your name is Tarik. "
Shortly after the meeting. Preston met with juniors in a course and he tried to explain about Islam in Preston and a few classmates. "He's still very young and only know a bit about Islam. But he warned us about the danger of worshiping Jesus," said Preston remember that conversation.
The summer had arrived. Preston fill the holiday by working as a telemarketer, where he met with a Muslim named Ahmed. Ahmed is also a convert from Puerto Rico. First time they met, Preston asked Ahmed, "Are you a Muslim?"
Ahmed replied, "Yes, Tarik. You?
"I am not a Muslim. I believer fellowship methodical," said Preston.
Ahmed smiled and said, "In the name of Tarik, you should be a Muslim."
And then, of Ahmed, Preston knew about what was the religion of unity and Preston admitted impressed with the Islamic concept of the oneness of God. Once when Ahmed was invited to the house, Preston was amazed to see how Ahmed was glorifying holy book the Koran and Preston asked if he could borrow the Koran.
Ahmed first appeared reluctant and reasoned that he had only one Al-Quran. But Ahmed finally allowed to request that Preston really respect the Qur'an, keeping it clean and kept a decent place.
"I can not wait to read the Qur'an that," added Preston.
Two weeks later, Preston invited Ahmed to his house and returned discussion about Islam. At that Preston told Ahmed that he believed Al-Quran as truth and he wanted to become a Muslim.
Finally, the next day, Preston and Ahmed went to the Islamic Center in Washington, DC It was there, Preston said two sentences creed and became a Muslim.
Allah's grace, a few years later, Preston got the chance to learn about Islam at Islamic University in Medina, Saudi Arabia, where he obtained a degree in Arabic language and science of hadith.
"I hope, the story of how I converted to Islam could encourage other non-Muslims to pilgrimage to the Islamic religion. I also hope my story encourages my brethren his fellow Muslims to continue spreading the truth of the messages of Islam, both by words and deeds," Tarik said Preston closed the story. (ln / readislam)

Century Bank Scandal disclosure is unstoppable

Demands disclosure Century Bank scandal becoming unstoppable. At least, there are two demonstrations on Friday afternoon to demand that the scandals could be uncovered Century.
The first demo is in the House of Representatives. Demo is done by hundreds of students demanding the House of Representatives to immediately investigate the scandal Bank Century.
While the second demonstration occurred at the Corruption Eradication Commission, KPK. The demonstrators consisting of Century Bank's customers and community social agencies requested the Commission to take over the disclosure of Century Bank.
Responding to this, the Chairman of the House Marzuki Alie confirmed that the case of Century Bank is still waiting for the official report of the State Audit Board, CPC. In addition, politicians from the Democratic Party was also explained that the funds for Century Bank is not government funds. But, banking escrow funds.
Marzuki was still not signed the proposed Rights Questionnaire Century Bank scandal. In fact, already more than 130 members of Parliament who embellish their signature. In fact, if calculated from the factions in the Parliament, only the Democratic Party faction that has not only come with signatures.
Scrolling right questionnaire targeted Century Bank began to trial at the end of this November. MNH

First Islamic Party in Spain Will Follow Local Elections 2011

For the first time the Islamic Party in Spain to prepare themselves to participate in local elections in Spain in 2011, these Islamist parties aim to achieve representation for Muslims in the administration of the municipality, Spanish media said earlier this week.
Unity Party and the Spanish Renaissance (Renaissance and the Union Party of Spain), promoted by Barrach Mustafa, a former journalist and professor of Arabic in Granada, near the area of Rabat, Spanish newspapers said ANSAmed.
Barrach asserted that he was a moderate and asserted that he supports the Constitution and the Spanish national.
"This is the birth of Return and the renaissance and the unity of the party is the party not only for Muslims but also to ethnic minorities and immigrants, the moment has come, for Muslim Spain, Arabic, African immigrants and non-immigrants to free themselves from the humiliation," he said.
Members of the Muslim community who call themselves Al-Hegira and treasurer of the Islamic Council of Spain, and Mustafa Barrach not only aspire to collect nearly 1,300,000 votes of the Muslims in Spain but also from immigrants who represent 10% of the population of Spain.
300,000 Moriscos - another name for Muslim Spain - lived in the Iberian peninsula after the expulsion of the Catholic kings and forced to go back to Christianity in the year 1609. In Spain the internal sheet, clearly outlines that the national consolidation is not just for people in one area or regional autonomy, and the sheet also stated that Islam is the basis of political behavior and the factors that determine the moral and ethical society regenarasi from Spain .
In October 2006, Parliament of Andalusia has asked the three parliamentary groups that form the parliamentary majority to support an amendment that would ease the way for the descendants of Moorish Spain to obtain citizenship.
Islam is the second largest religion in Spain, accounting for approximately 2.3% of the total population.
According to the conservative newspaper ABC, the government will not hide these concerns, because there are currently 1,300,000 people of the country's Muslims, including converts and immigrants from Spanish Islamic countries, amounting to about 700,000 from Morocco. But it could be more than that - perhaps more than two million, if the illegal immigrants are also counted. (Fq / wb)

Get Paid Blogging - Make Money Online
The key of how to get paid blogging is actually having everything set up properly from the very start. Although it is possible for you to stumble your way to success in some cases, it is going to cost you a lot of time and perhaps even money along the way. By having a system set up which automates almost everything for you, you will have a much better opportunity of finding your success quickly. Of course, there is a little bit more involved than just setting up a blog in order to make money. In order for you to get started, you need to know where to begin.
One of the things that many people who are interested in finding a way to get paid blogging stuggle with is the subject matter which they are going to discuss. Internet marketers who talk to you about the importance of blogging about something that you understand fail to give you one specific point that you need to know. That is, you must focus on one particular subject per blog and not simply talk about random information that pops into your head. People who find your blog because they are interested in the subject matter will return regularly, providing you with many more income opportunities. The importance of focusing on one subject as a result of this becomes very clear.
In order to get paid blogging, you are also going to need advertising on your blog website. There are several different ways in which you can get this advertising which include contextual advertising, such as Google Adsense and affiliate programs. By targeting your advertising to be of interest to people who are visiting your blog regularly, you will have the best opportunity of making money and perhaps even making a living.
Source :

How to Get Paid To Blog - Paid Blogging Networks

One of the easiest, most popular and profitable ways to generate an additional income stream from your blog/s is to do some paid posting through paid blogging networks. Connecting paying advertisers with bloggers-for-hire, paid blogging networks simply act as a bridge or middle-man.
Bloggers are basically paid to write and post their opinions and reviews of advertiser websites, products and/or services. But, because each paid blogging network is different - rules, guidelines and requirements vary.
Being professional and consistent are key in order to build a good reputation for yourself. Making money through paid blogging and posting can earn you a realistic $100 to $500 or more per month with each blog.
In Notepad or other text editor, make a list of 7 to 10 keywords that describe your blog site. Then, beneath this list, create and write a keyword-rich description of your blog. Save it! You're going to need to copy and paste this information on your applications to paid blogging networks. Trust me, this will save you a ton of time.
- Step 2
Browse the following paid blogging network sites (direct links to these sites are found at the end under the Resources section):
These folks pioneered the "get paid to blog" concept. Besides being the most popular paid blogging network, I've found that they always seem to have the most job opportunities available at any given time. PayPerPost pays bloggers anywhere from $5 to over $200 per completed and approved post.
Although Bloggerwave is a smaller paid blogging network and lists fewer open job opportunties, their site is super blogger-friendly and easy to to navigate. Bloggers here get paid a minimum of $10 for each completed and approved post. Bloggerwave also pays on time and like clock-work.
You'll like Smorty because they pay from $6 to $100 for each post and they pay-out weekly. A great feature with Smorty is that bloggers are allowed to have multiple blogs so income earning potential is unlimited. The Pagerank of your blog along with a high Smorty smart score determines how much you can earn - up to $100 per post.
Bloggers - get paid to review products and services on your site. You control what you review. You will be paid $20.00 to $200.00 for each completed review that you post on your site.
With LoudLaunch the amount you are paid per post is based on your blog ranking? LoudLaunch allows bloggers to be compensated for distributing our advertisers LoudLaunch press releases. Search through our advertisers latest press release campaigns, select campaigns aligned with your blog, post a Micro Press Release on your blog based on the advertisers campaign, and be compensated based on the exposure your blog can deliver.
Once you are approved to the Blogitive system, you are given access to opportunities from companies to post about their news releases. You are paid per posting. The standard amount is per post is $5. This may vary depending on the sponsor. You must have a PayPal account in order to get paid with Blogitive.
BloggingAds is different. They supply the advertisers, the text and the money, all you have to do is post the ad on your blog. We are looking for bloggers to post one-time ads on their blog sites for money.
List continues below... - Step 3
A Sponsored Review is an article you write for an advertiser. You review their products and services and then post the review on your blog. Each advertiser has his or her own requirements. Bloggers can earn anything from $10 to $500+ for each review.
Once approved, your blog goes into the assignment queue. The blogsvertise administrator then assigns writing tasks for what our advertisers want you to mention in your blog. The current payout rate for new accounts is $4 - $25 per entry.
If your blog meets our requirements then you can make money blogging in our system and you can count on Payu2blog to deliver that consistent steady income from advertising on your blog.
CREAMaid is a service that lets you meet other bloggers with similar interests, and make money while doing it. Anyone can start using CREAMaid by inserting a CREAMaid Conversation widget inside her post. When your post is selected, you will be able to instantly collect a royalty for your contribution (usually about $5).
Do you own a blog? Blog publishers in the Contextual Links @ V7N Network make cash and get paid by PayPal for simply adding text links to their blog posts. Currently publishers make $10 per link.
LinkWorth is a searchengine marketing company that offers a variety of monetization options for bloggers. LinkWorth gives up to 70% of the revenue for its ads.
If you have a blog, you can make money simply by reviewing other websites. You receive 60% of the sale price for each review.
Your blog must have a minimum Page Rank of 3 to be accepted. You get paid a flat fee of $10.00 per post.
Your rate of pay to blog for this company is based on your Google's PageRank (from $5 to $16 per post).
The process is simple! Register, look for bloggers or advertisers, negotiate back and forth via the messaging system, strike a deal, BUZZ and compensate!
Migrate your existing blog or start a new one . Refer a friend and get 5% of what the friends blog site makes. Promote your blog and get paid. - Step 4
Apply to as many of the above listed paid blogging network sites as possible. Why? Your blog may not be accepted or approved by some companies, so you're going to want to make sure that you're getting every opportunity possible to get paid to blog.
After applying, be patient. Some networks have a fast approval process, while others seem to take forever. I'm still waiting on some of these. - Step 5
Write, blog and make money! Good Luck!

Selasa, 10 November 2009
Rupert Murdoch threatens Google

Rupert Murdoch media conglomerate Google prohibits using news network created by media. On Sky News Australia, Kangaroo millionaire's country of birth has said it will seek ways to the news media from the network did not go into the Google index, including Google News.
Murdoch on numerous occasions over recent months, calling Google's "Kleptomania" and "parasites" because by casually taking the news from media companies owned by Murdoch, such as the Sun, The Times and the Wall Street Journal.
In January last, Murdoch announced that the corporate sites media companies will charge for internet users who want to gain access to read the news from those sites owned media began in June 2010. But Murdoch said last week that the plan would be delayed.
Responding to the threat of Murdoch, the Google search engine company said in a statement that Google News and search engine sites is "a powerful promotional tool for the mass media and contributed nearly 100,000 people who click every minute."
"The publishers include materials to Internet sites because they want their products to read the writings. Just a few people who did not want to put the writing material to Google News and search engines. But if the parties do not Murdoch news mengingkan material into Google News and search engines , we will not do it, "a Google statement.

Senin, 09 November 2009
Children can Make Cut Finger, Maclaren Stroller 1 Million Withdrawn from U.S.

Washington - Be careful choosing stroller (stroller) for your baby. Authority of the United States (U.S.) announced the withdrawal of one million artificial Maclaren stroller, England. The reason, the product is risky cause "fingertip amputation" for toddlers.
"Consumers should stop using the product immediately withdrawn, unless instructed otherwise," the statement Consumer Product Safety Commission U.S. (CPSC) as reported by AFP news agency on Tuesday (10/11/2009).
It said CPSC, hinge mechanism of the stroller, carry the risk of danger even scratches on the fingertips cut off when the consumer opens child stroller.
CPSC has received 12 reports child fingertip amputations in the U.S. due to the use of the stroller.
Items drawn Maclaren stroller including one and two umbrellas. In the stroller, the words "Maclaren" and include models Volo, Triumph, Quest Sport, Quest Mod, Techno XT, TechnoXLR, Twin Triumph, Twin Techno and Easy Traveler.
This product was sold from 1999 until November 2009 at a price between U.S. $ 100 and U.S. $ 360.
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